Friday, July 28, 2006

sleep, need sleep

Small nine pound wonder, full of beauty and poise, renders grown, once energetic parents into walking zombies. Yup, she's only two weeks old and she's already got us beat. Dominique likes to eat little snacks every hour through the night and while a 3 hour nap during the day may seem like forever, that same time at night seems all too short. Last night I managed to have her sleep two long stretches from 10:30pm to 1:30am, then from 2:30am to 5:30am, which were awesome. I tried to get her to eat lots during that 1:30am feeding. It took me an hour to get her to eat for 17 minutes (my goal was 20 min., but I gave in). I had to rub her vigorously with lotion the entire hour, turn on the light and talk to her to get her to stay awake those 17 minutes to eat. It seems like insanity to try to wake her so badly at night to eat, but the alternative is 3 minute feedings every 45 min. which I'm sure is some kind of ancient torture tactic. Then came 5:30am when I erroneously thought I could lure her into a good eat and more sleep like before. She ate good, but wouldn't sleep. So we "hung out" for several hours.

Now it's day and she is still unsettled. Normally she sleeps great in the day, but instead, she stayed up through Ivan's nap and wants to be held and rocked constantly. I remember this with Ivan, but it is so much more tiring when there are the two of them. Brian has saved me today, he took Ivan while he worked outside this morning and now when he went off to visit Big Buddy at the hospital.

I feel bad for Ivan. Normally I would be doing activities with him like coloring, painting, reading, swimming, going on a walk or to the library... Now he gets zombie momma, but in the long run it will be good. He enjoys all those activities, but he enjoys them so much more with a playmate. In a couple of years, Dominique will be able to swim with him and I may wake out of my stuper.

What are your sleep habits? Are you a night hawk or early riser? Do you get up in the night and if so, why on earth for?


GMS said...

Since my normal is to work nights, I am on an opposite schedule to most people. I try to lie down between 12 and 1, but then will sometimes wake 3 or 4 times and get up and check the computer and do a potty run.
Wish I had some suggestions on Dominique and her snacking. Must just want MaMa time.

Lady J said...

I remember those sleepless nights and groggy days, that also started at 2 wks old, guess she's normal!!! I wish I had some good advice, but I too was such a zombie I don't even remember what I did to cope...which is the good news, you eventually forget that torture! Do you bath her before bed? Seems to me that helped soothe my Hurricane, and usually made him more hungry, so he'd eat better, which helped him sleep longer. I am sure you've thought of everything you well experienced Momma!!! Here's hoping you get some sleep tonite!

I love sleep~so I go to bed early and enjoy sleeping in late! However my son is a true night owl and never goes to bed before me and still wakes up in the night, but he does enjoy a sleep in, which is my only saving grace!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I love to sleep, no matter which time of the day. I don't like to get up early and I stay up long, sometimes for no reason. But if I have to get up, for school or any kind of that, I'm up pretty quick. It's weird with me I think.