Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My hardest easy day

I had mixed feelings this morning. I had been looking forward to today, when Brian and Ivan go with Nana to Houston for a quick turn-around trip (they return tomorrow). I was thinking I could catch up on rest, e-mailing, laundry, baby projects like her baby book and painting her name on her clock. Then today arrived and I watched my husband and first born drive off to
ANOTHER CITY! I held in my tears. I've never liked being away from Brian. When we were first married, I was in school, so it was good that he was gone all day, I'd work on school stuff and we had most evenings together. Then we started in ministry together and I had the coolest experience. We drove to work together and saw each other sporadically all day. It's so nice to have these little glimpses of each other and moments to connect as we do what we are up to. Even now, if he's away for a long time and especially if he's out of town, I look forward to when he'll be back. Add to that, sending Ivan off with him and it was a bit traumatic. I'm glad they are getting to spend quality time together though. I noticed the other day when he woke up from a nap, he called for his daddy, not me. I'm glad to have my husband here to help during this transition time, so that Ivan doesn't get jealous or feel neglected while Dominique and I figure out nursing and sleep times. Talking about sleep times, after they left Dominique and I had an hour long nap and the panic of letting the guys leave waned a little as a feeling of queenhood overcame me.

I tried to get a nice "home studio" shot of Ivan and Dominique, but they all turned out horrible. This is not as easy as I thought. Dominique was either crying or falling over, so you couldn't see her well and Ivan has a tendancy to half shut his eyes with the flash, so getting them both looking ok may take a few dozen more tries. Thank goodness for digital!

We did manage an ok first family pic.


Anonymous said...

Well, all those pics are fantastic, so don't worry about a picture of them together. Someday you will be able to take one.

Well, this thing of Brian being away...I understand that. But I myself "got over it". How would I cope with my life if I would miss Andrew as much as you miss Brian right now??? I wouldn't be able to. (But I still miss him of course.)


Lady J said...

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...I too know this all too well! Mike left to work up north when Harrison was only 8 wks old and although he came home every 2 wks for a couple of days, didn't come back permanently until Harrison was 10 mos old. It's rough but I got through it and you will too! Take the dog and the baby to bed with you (that's what I did!) and you won't be so lonely! And just think how happy you'll be to have your boys back in your arms tomorrow! Love the pics. Nice to see one of Brian with her and the family one is just too precious!!!

Kimberley said...

Personally, I enjoy it when Jason goes away for a few days. It means that I get the remote and the bed to myself!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya on husbands being out of town! Especially when they are a part of your every day all day.

Hope you two get some good Queen/Princess time!

GMS said...

Great pictures!
Prayerfully, the trip will result in a blessing to all!!
Let us know how it all goes for all concerned, even Dominique.