Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Growing up from what?

In some ways it's good to grow up, in some ways it's not. I read recently that kindergarteners laugh some 300 times a day and that adults only laugh about 17 times a day. I believe it. Ivan finds pretty much everything hillarious. An airplane zooming across the sky is reason for celebration and he joyfully cries out in his little kid voice as he throws up his arms "airplaaaaaaaaaaaane!" Tonight as I was getting my moment of peace, with door locked in the bathroom, I heard an incessant: "momma, momma, momma" (repeated about 30 times). I kept saying "yes, Ivan" a bit annoyed I admit. Then I looked to the door and he'd slid a toy under the crack. I giggled and slid it back. Very quickly, there it came again. So, we laughed and played and I was reminded how very much my son loves me, that he would want to be with me every second (and I mean every second) of the day. Kids are great. They remind us to wonder, to enjoy, to relax and to laugh again. There were no statistics about stay at home moms, but I'm quite sure that our laughter daily quota would be about 100. How can you not laugh when this little person brings so much fun to the day?

Here Ivan is sitting in his daddy's bass' box.

I think Dominique is doing a wonderful rendition of Popeye here.

Shayshay asked me why Dominique is so pink. I think the contrast of our skin tones is hillarious. I guess she gets that from Grandpa Ian.


Anonymous said...

You look GREAT! Kids are the best at making me laugh!

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you that you are right. Adults laugh less then children do. BUT, I think it always depends on the person. In my family we laugh quite often and that's always great to hear.

Let us hope that Domenique will gain some more colour. It would be better for her down there in Taxas otherwise she would get sun burns really quick and we don't want that.

GMS said...

Hopefully "Growing up" is not growing up from having fun. It looks and sounds like fun around your house. Your children and you are blessed!

Kimberley said...

I've been meaning to comment. What's wrong with being a little pink? It's worked for me!