Sunday, August 13, 2006

not so sweet melodies

I've had requests for a audio clip of Dominique's voice. I wish there was an easy way to record her cute cooing or squeaks and grunts that provide rhythm through our nights as she sleeps, but I'd have to just sit there all night with a recorder and that ain't happening! Instead, you get some of her awake noises, which is contentment (silence) or frustration (crying). So far, she doesn't have any other stations. So here she is, little mighty lungs and her performance of "I've got the blues".

What sounds do you hear through the night? At our old apartment, we used to hear the train (only three blocks away) several times every night. Now we hear Dominique and last night, Ivan saying "mommy, mommy". I have yet to get him to understand that at night he is daddy's responsibility. Daddy slept through Ivan's calling at the foot of our bed as well as the momentary cry while I hurriedly heaved him up into bed with us. However, Brian didn't sleep through the kick to the face about 30 min. later as Ivan tried to stretch his body on top of mine AND daddy's. That got Ivan expelled back to his room and left both of us awake until the next feeding which zonked me back out. Sometimes we hear dogs barking, but not as much as we used to. Thankfully Dominique has learnt the art of sleeping through about everything. I guess she's like me in that. Are you a light or heavy sleeper?


GMS said...

I'm sorry that I was one of the ones wanting to hear Dominque's voice. The video made me want to pick her up and stop her crying.
Next time wait till she's older and can say something more upbeat and fun.

GMS said...

I forgot to answer your questions.

I'm a fairly light sleeper since I sleep days and sometimes hear the phone and other day time noises. What noises do I hear at night? Mostly the residents that are awake off and on all night.
Whenever I hear a bang or noise, I automatically investigate to find out the source and make sure someone doesn't need something.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

Don't be sorry gms, some day Dominique will be beyond her tears years and we may want to remember what it was like when she was a baby, if not for reminiscing, maybe for birth control! ha, ha. Besides isn't it cute how her angel kiss lights up? Now we have it forever recorded.