Friday, August 04, 2006

getting out

We're starting to get back into a bit of a routine maybe. I'm amazed how different everything is when having a second child. I guess I hadn't thought through all the implications, not that I would have it any other way, but it is way harder doing anything with two of them. A friend with 4 told me it gets easier with more, I'm not sure if she was fibing, exagerating, delirious or serious. Actually I do think it will be great when they are older, but these first few months seem to be proving a little challenging. We just have to try to stay ahead of Ivan. Like... lock the fridge BEFORE eggs are broken. Stop him from charging into the room BEFORE he wakes Dominique. Get him entertained with something BEFORE he reaches total meltdown.

It helps having friends and a supportive partner. Brian cleaned the house and did all the laundry while I took the two (with a friend) to see Miss Mary. We used to go all the time and take Ivan and Mary on a walk. It's too hot still and I don't yet have the ok to do exercise from the DR. so we just hung out in the shade today. Ivan had forgotten what it was like to be a celebrity at the nursing home and was a little shy. Dominique was an instant hit. Grandma Wynetta fed us lunch when we got home, then the two little ones concked out for a couple of hours. OK, so maybe this parenting thing IS a piece of cake! It just depends on the moment.

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