I looked at Dominique's baby book and discovered that Emora is 2 lbs heavier than her sister was at the same age! That's a lot at this age. I may actually end up with one of those chubby, cute babies. My other two were born big, but slimmed down. They never had that cute baby chub and rolls in the legs. Emora seems to be much chunkier. She gobbled up her new foods today and yesterday- applesauce and oatmeal baby cereal. It took 2 feedings of both over 2 days, but she finally got herself unplugged! I know you all like these gory details, otherwise, why do you keep coming back to read and be tortured like this? ha,ha!
Smacky has brought us presents the last 2 mornings. Apparently she has found herself a sport she enjoys. Anyone got a snake to feed that wants fresh food each morning? You are welcome to it. PLEASE come to my front step, in front of my door each morning and you are welcome to the catch of the night.
Here are some pictures from an outing we had as a family to the zoo. It was pretty freaky to watch our little darling daughter of 2 years old trail her finger on the glass and watch this huge rattlesnake, only inches away (through glass) diligently track her. Yeah, don't ever want to meet up with one of those in a wooded forest or grassy trail.
Dominique got tired of walking and wanted to ride with her sister- which I'm sure this stroller was not designed for!
I'm one of those fans!
So am I!!!
Love to hear ALL the gory details
Actually your stories are very entertaining & the pics top it all off as usual.
Yeah, for Blogging!
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