Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Brian!

I have been blessed beyond measure and I will always be thankful for the man I was given to share my life with. He is a true soul mate.

He is so many things I am not and I appreciate the diversity and balance he brings to my life and to the lives of our children.

Brian is a great father. The children love to be with him. It is their ultimate treat when he gets home from work. Ivan especially wants to imitate his dad and follow in his footsteps.

Brian is a great support to me as a wife, and mother, valuing the contributions I make to our home and the raising of our kids.

I am so thankful for all that I have, and most of all for this family- as chaotic, loud, boisterous or aggravating it can be at times, I am so very thankful for each individual linked together for the rest of our lives. Upon marriage, I could never have known the depth of the man I had joined my heart to. With time, we all get to know him more and realize what a treasure we have.

Happy Father's day Brian! And to my dad and all the other great dad's out there... you are such a strength to us and we appreciate you immensely.


NANA said...

You are a great dad, Brian. The time you take with the kids, the bath times, working out in the yard times and every other thing you are involved in, like the closing of the house. I'm am truly proud of you. All of this is done with the support of your great wife, Angela. Many blessings to y'all in the many years to come. Love you.

NANA said...

Ange, great presentation!!

Ian said...

Thanks for sharing Angela