Today was a perfectly beautiful day. We walked in my favorite park (it has several lakes- or big ponds) and lots of geese and ducks, very friendly, well fed ones as well as a long winding walking path, a couple of kids parks, many bbq pits and baseball diamonds. It was nice to get out in the warm sun and take in the beauty. I had forgotten though that the baby area of the new (since 2004) community built park was destroyed by vandalism (a fire). That was a downer. It's so sad that kids 1) are so bored they resort to destruction or perhaps are trying to impress friends because they don't have good self-worth 2) don't think of others and the joy they are robbing little babies and toddlers from by destroying the city's gift to them.
I also took the twosome swimming together for the first time ever. They had such a blast. This will definitely be an addition to our weekly schedule. Ivan swam more than ever (he had to impress his little sister you know) and Dominique laughed and laughed, splashed and kicked. One of her favorite things is to rock herself and she can do it while sitting in her swimming seat. She does a sort of butterfly kick. It's cute.
I think a tooth is starting to poke through. I recognize the look of a little hole. Maybe we'll have some pearly whites popping up in the next week.
Any signs of spring where you are?
Sping? Oh yes! There is some Spring in Ireland. I see flowers and all, it's warm...nevermind the rain...but still nice. And we have February!!! That usually means for me snow and all, not flowers. Flowers are not due before March!!!!
I miss the warmer weather. Last night and today was supposed to be another big snowfall but yesterday was almost a no show (just a couple of places on the road were bad) and today so far not much snow either. The icyyy roads are not great (2 cars in the snow I saw so far,) but soon it will be all over.
Great photos of laughter and smiles. I'm amazed that they are not looking at the camera. It looks like you had a great time with my favourite nephew and niece.
Warm weather signs...Walmart has started all their spring sales and spring supplies. We sadly will not see spring for another...who knows it varies all the time, I don't think until April or May. Ha Ha!
The first sight of spring ... how about the first "snake" of the season! I'd rather have the flowers but I guess it is the snake this year. Not my favorite one of God's little creatures.
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