Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What does a momma know anyways?

Ivan has been watching a phonetics video. A lot of good it's done. The slurred phrase he sings is "every letter makes a sound". I am awed by the fact that he is starting to recognize some letters. We've worked on the letter "I" for his name which is totally confusing. Sometimes it looks like a 1 (one) or an l (L), see, can't tell a difference huh? Who made up this language to torture little kids? He recognizes the letter O real good, except sometimes it is an 0 (zero). Poor kids. Us adults can make life so confusing. If it was up to them, I'm sure it would be much easier- like everyone could make up and change the rules as they saw fit.

Was learning to read or write hard for you? Did you have a trick that made things easier?

I hated reading out loud. I was only concerned about sounding proficient and thus never heard a word I read. I'd have to reread sections over and over before understanding them because I was concerned most of all with saying things quickly and correctly, which just made me slower and fumbling.


Davis Family said...

Wow - two year olds great stuff eh? I love the energy they have! You can just see the energy bouncing out of Ivan in that video clip.
Clever kid!

Deana said...

"L" does start with the "e" kid!

I love how he gives his performance...then watch Ivan!

Lin said...

I am surprised at how big he is getting. He is so smart, I can't wait for Jac to start talking. Soon, then you will hear me say, I can't wait for her to be quiet.

GMS said...

To answer your ?,
every Momma knows a lot, especially about her own children.
You learn something new every day.
We just love seeing the videos and pictures and reading the great stories that you write.