We are having to rediscover our inner child these days since games are pretty high entertainment now. I was helping out a friend and had her two kids and a cousin (ages 7, 1 and the 3 year old who only knew Spanish). My neighbor came too to help me. In the 4 hours they were in our house we: did breakfast, got mine dressed and combed, played house, legos, hide-and-seek, leap frog, musical chairs, make-up, ride the horsy (me and my neighbor of course), drawing time, snack time and read several kid books. Yep, they have an attention span of about 30 secs. It actually went surprisingly well. Of course Ivan and Dominique thought it was wonderful.
What was your favorite game as a kid? We LOVED monopoly (to dad's chagrin) and hide-and-seek. To MY chagrin, Ivan's favorite book right now is a Barney book (that was given to us of course!!!) I read the Barney's Please and Thank-you story 3 TIMES today!!! HELLLLLLP!
Clue was the favorite game at our house, along with Twister! The Professor, in the Den with his Left Hand on Blue!!! Oh no...that's not right...we didn't play like that, although it would have made it more interesting!!!
Barney eh? Yup...that's being 2 for you! Anything beats Teletubbies and Boobah (both banned from my house!) Being 3 was all about Dora and Doodlebops (do you have them there? They are Canadian...I'll send you the DVD!) but being 4 is all about Go Diego Go...which I actually love!
My favourit game? Playing outside in the sun with my brother and cousins and friends....
Favorite game?
I know outside it was hide and go seek.
Inside I'm not so sure; I'm not too much of a game person. I think my sister and I mostly played make believe.
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