Since Dominique is now mobile, the kids are learning to play more together. Ivan was running away and noticed that Dominique was chasing after him. He exclaimed: "this is funny!" (He means this is FUN, but he gets mixed up with fun and funny). She also got her first taste of chocolate tonight. I didn't mean for her to have any, but I made choc. chip cookies and Ivan noticed that she wanted some (he figures she always wants what he has and usually screams no at her about every 5 seconds or so- all day long). But this time, he voluntarily gave her a morsel of his cookie. How could I tell him she's still too small? Sorry if you puke Dominique, I had to encourage his gratuitousness. Of course he wasn't being ALL that generous, he was on his 3rd cookie. Like Ivan at her age, Dominique has discovered the great fun of pulling books off shelves. She dismantled one shelf of ours a couple of times today, so when I went to the library, she got all excited, but I held her pretty tight. She also loves to pull bookmarks out of books (we haven't broken Ivan of this yet either), so basically you better just remember where you left off.
The bluebonnets are out, but you have to go out of town to see big patches of them. We do have 3 plants growing in our yard. The one with the Abilene brick is from our front flower bed.
What is your favorite flower? I like roses because they smell so good and are pretty, but I like blue, so bluebonnets are gorgeous. All flowers are awesome to me. I got cross with dad once for cutting down all the flowers on the acreage. He called them weeds. I called them pretty. Here irises are blooming. They are so dramatic.
Do you plant flowers? What kinds? We planted wildflowers. I hope they come up. We also usually plant petunias because they do well in the heat here. Haven't done that yet.
I love purple flowers...any that are blue or purple.
I love bluebonnets! I was so happy to see them when I clicked on your page!
My favorite flowers have always been tulips, any color will do! I also love Gerber daisies, the really bright and colorful ones, like hot pink and orange!!! Anything that brightens up my table! I haven't planted any flowers for the last few years, but usually stick with the basics, easy to grow, hard to kill marigolds and pansies!
If you still want answers,
my favorite are purple hyacinths.
If you want a reason besides the color, it's the way they smell.
I can't remember if they grow down there.
They are usually out around Easter with the Easter lilies and the tulips.
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