To my loyal addicts, thanks for the laugh! Hope you weren't overly disappointed on the day when there was really no post.
We made it back home this evening. While Emora didn't take her first step, she learned a new sound to make by twisting her lips up and making smacking popping sounds. I'll need to catch that on video. Ivan was becoming quite the little monster while we were in Houston, so we have some work to do. He was getting more and more demanding as the days went by. This morning he told me "I want to go snuggle with Nana NOW!" (she was already gone to work hours earlier). Tonight he told me, "I want you to read my story NOW!" Ewwwie, he got a swat and tongue lashing after that. Dominique understands that we do not live in Houston and do have to go home eventually. Ivan was not of the same opinion. Dominique was being very patient in explaining the situation. "Ivan, we do not live here. so, we have to go home. We will come back for Christmas".
Dominique said the funniest thing tonight. "It is taking so long for me to grow up and to become a mommy". She's 3.
Now I need to start on my xmas projects. Here are some old pics. from a visit to a park with our neighbor Valerie and her son Logan. I'll upload thanksgiving pics another day.
So glad to hear the trip went so well & you must all be feeling better. Fun to go visit & fun to be back home.
We enjoyed the visit. Wish I could have gotten off work. So glad you made it home safely. Dominique take your time o go up to be a mommy. Enjoy your childhood and the fun things only being a kid can do. Love you!
We enjoyed being able to visit. Loved the morning "snuggle" time. Dominique don't be in a hurry to grow up to be a mommy. There is so much fun in being a kid and doing fun kid things only kids can do. Love you
Emora still has up to a couple of months to go to take her first step. Her Uncle Andrew took his first step on his first birthday. And I agree with Nana, Dominique. You can take your time to grow up. And to Ivan I would say, "Be good for your parents."
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