Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Emora is so close to walking, I wouldn't doubt it if she takes her first step while we are in Houston for thanksgiving.

I have been sorting Ivan's clothes, sending the ones two small on to a friend and getting other clothes passed on to us out of the shed, washed and put up. It's so nice to have it all organized again.

I have also been trying to pack the kids stuff. They have been "great" helps. Good thing there is a parent to set a limit. Dominique wanted to pack kleenex in case we have to blow our nose. Actually, now that I think of it, I should put one in the van. Ivan wanted to pack every toy he has to show Nana, including ones she's already seen. I did let them pack their own books and toys for on the way. That could be interesting. There are two bags by the door and I don't know what's in them- I like to live with adventure!!

I guess we are well enough to travel. I called Nana to see if she still wanted us to come if we may be infectious and apparently seeing us is greater reward than the fear of getting sick. Yeah, there is no way I would have been able to whip up a meal this late in the game- and I have no energy. I'm hoping tomorrow, I will get a nice long nap in the van.

The last 2 of the kids pics that I'm posting are in this post, can you guess which ones?


Madame Angela Baggett said...

Either Ivan or Dominique took the last 2 pictures in the post.

Ian said...

In the top picture, Emora looks like she has something profound to say.

Davis Family said...

Ian I think she looks like a Shriner (spelling???) in that picture.