Saturday, November 07, 2009

Experiment disaster

We like crunchy, thin crust pizza. So the other day I thought I had a bright idea by placing our homemade pizza straight on the rack instead of on a pan. Bad idea! I should have clued in when they started sinking through before any toppings were added. I thought using metal skewers for added supported would suffice. The bottom pizzas were on a pan with holes, thank goodness, or I'm quite sure we would not have had a supper to salvage. As it was, one of the top pizzas proceeded to melt down onto a bottom pizza. I was able to pull the rack out and slither the oozing mess onto the back of a cookie sheet. Amazingly, the gaping holes oozed back into a more or less whole pizza, but you know how cheese can be hard to get off of stuff, especially when gooing, baked and burned? Yeah, the cookie sheet had seen better days and don't even look in my oven. It's not one of those self cleaning deals either and I detest that oven cleaner stuff. I am very positive that it is poisonous to our health and refuse to use it with kids living here. Yeah, well go with that excuse. It sounds important. Elbow grease you say? Never heard of it. My idea is that some day the cheese will just burn off on it's own right? In the meantime that poor reset button on the fire alarm is taking an unjust beating.

In other news, I was duped by Dora. Ivan was telling me about a robber detector, a device that you can wear that sends an alarm when a robber is near so that you can call police. When I asked where he'd heard about it, he told me he made it up! At this point, I'm thinking I have a genius child on my hands. I'm in awe of his creativity and thought process. I'm itching to blog and tell the world what a stupendous mind he has to think this up on his own. About 20 minutes later, he tells me that he's heard of a Swiper detector on Dora. So, in his defense, I'll give him points for taking
an idea and recreating it to have practical applications in the real world where there is no swiper who simply leaves when told "Swiper no swiping" 3 times consecutively. But my mommy haze of awe did fade significantly at his revelation.

Here are Ivan and Dominique doing the "funky fish" move from a kid's workout video that we like to get from the library. They are super fun and help the kids learn coordination, instruction... really they love everything if it's on video.

We like to go visit daddy at his current house flip. It is coming along so beautifully. It will be fun to see it when it is all done. I really like the part where we can look at tile online and dream up creative ideas without thinking about the cost to our own personal budget. Remodeling is always fun until you see the price tag. If the bill is hidden in the project's profits, it's way more fun. Ivan especially loves hearing about the guys' antics, what tool they used and how they accomplished various tasks.

Daddy and Emora were being goofy at Ivan's last soccer game. I'll tell you what, it was sooooooooo nice not to rush off today for a game.


Ian said...

Your escapade with the pizza got your mom and your Aunt Joan laughing when I read it out to them.

Davis Family said...

Way to go Brian!! Looking great.

Nana said...

The house is looking good!