Sunday, November 22, 2009

our healthiest family member

We have had better weekends. All 5 of us are sick right now. Just a miserable head cold with tons of congestion, but we are all a bit cranky and miserable. Brian keeps running out to the store to buy another "it's not working!" product. My friend did give us some children's musinex that seems to be helping the kids. Ivan is doing the best of us. He has some congestion too, but is not laid out miserable. He still has a bundle of energy so I let him clean two rooms today, help with supper, make Emora laugh with games, pick pecans and water the garden. Yes, he did all of that today and didn't take a nap either. Do you see why I am exhausted at the end of the day? And that's just one child. Add the other two in and it's a real circus, but usually a fabulously fun circus, except right now.

The good thing is that we did manage to get pictures archived and in albums. Brian dusted half of our room and I finished with the rest of the house cleaning. Tonight I made turkey soup, in the hopes that it is going to make us all sleep well tonight. At first I thought to make fresh bread (with the bread maker). Then I thought I'd toast and garlic some store bought bread. By the time I'd finished with the soup, I threw a package of saltines on the table and was done with it. Not that the two big kids ate any of it. They rarely eat supper these days. The stinkers! Emora eats 10 times more at supper than they do and I don't let them snack in the afternoon or evening either!

The absolute worst thing this weekend was when Emora fell out of the cart at the store! Yep, about 4 feet up onto the hard floor. A friend had taken us and she put one of those cart covers on it, which is ironic since Emora was snotty. I usually strap her in, but didn't know how to with the cover and didn't really think about it, until I heard a thud and saw her on her back, on the floor! She cried a bunch is acted fine after. That's the second time she's had a serious falling incident like that! I'm so thankful that she's ok.

How was your weekend?


NANA said...

Our weekend has been great. Accomplished tons. Ivan what a great helper you have been this weekend. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Sorry to hear that everyone is sick. With all of the weather changes we have had the past couple of weeks, it's not surprising y'all have congested heads.

Ian said...

Good job Ivan. I hope that everyone is feeling well soon. Hopefully, this tunes up everyone's immune system for the winter.

Olivia said...

I like the new blog template! Ivan is so good, send him over here if he ever gets bored or finishes there! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are all under the weather.Glad to hear Ivan can be of such good help. Better still that Brian is doing ok Times like those when frozen becomes handy.Hope you'll all be better soon.Love mom