It seems like the days, weeks and months are zooming past. School has started back here, which is incomprehensible to me. Where did summer go? Ivan survived his first bee sting Sat. I'm glad to say he's not allergic like me and my dad, but sad to say that he seems to have inherited his dad's disposition toward picking up bees. Yep, he picked up the bee, which understandably stung him. Brian apparently did this twice. I hope Ivan learned his lesson the first time. In any case, that bee won't be stinging any other curious little boys or girls since I quickly transformed it into dead insect paste with a flip flop after rescuing it from the watery sea where Ivan had flung it.
Today Dominique made herself perfectly understood. She brought me her diaper changing kit from the diaper bag and said "uh". I asked, "do you need your diaper changed?" She grunted "uh, huh". So I opened it up and lo and behold, she had a major diaper deposit. Amazing what can be communicated with some grunts and actions. Amazing that a 13 month old can basically initiate a conversation, describe her needs and make sure those needs are met.
This was from a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to get the grand finale song and dance on tape from our library time. The intense screaming throughout is Dominique- sorry to all you viewers and all library time attendees. Sometimes Ivan does the motions better, but if he's really excited or happy, he just spins. He loves to spin.
Where did you get "twice" from?
I only grabbed a bee once. And I was about Ivan's age.
I was stung by a wasp on my back when I was a teenager mowing grass.
Great action on the video.
Poor Ivan, sometimes life lessons are painful. Ask Brian about the frozen waffle incident. Dominique might be ready for potty training early. What's that, the different between boys and girls? I'm surpised she was up dancing or spinning with Ivan. In time.
Hey there cousin,
Hate to tell you this, but seeing as how this was Ivan's first sting his body would not have had the antibodies that cause an allergic reaction. So you might not know if he is allergic until he gets stung again. The same rule goes for things like poison ivy. You can touch it once in your life without getting a reaction to it. But the next time around, you'll feel it.
Edwin's nephew had his first wasp sting this summer too. It walked into his ear and the little guy (he'll be two in Oct.), suprised and frightened by the sensation, put his hand over his ear and the wasp stung his thumb. He had no reaction, naturally, but now his parents are going to be watching closely to Aaron's physical reactions the next time around because his mom is deathly allergic.
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