Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Emora's birthday part 1

Mom and dad came down for a couple of nights stay for Emora's 5th birthday.  Dad did a lot of blowing up balloons.  He's still part kid, which is awesome.  At some point, I saw the girls putting his hair in pigtails and combing his beard and I remembered that my sister and I used to do that when we were kids too with my dad.  He's a pretty great sport.  It's one of his special talents.

Dominique had gotten her sister a lego friends set- something they can both share ;)

Mom and dad brought clothing from Jamaica when they went at Christmas time.

and yummy- they got ice cream cake.

For her birthday party with friends (that was postponed while I fought a cold), we did a winter theme.  She wanted her polly pockets on the cake and did a sledding/snowboard/ snow fun scene.

Yeah, so fun to have friends come... cousin and friend Lanelle,

friend Catherine,

and Ayumi.

I'd forgotten to make this shirt for Dominique on her 5th birthday which was a weird time because we had only just come up here, so I really wanted to do it for Emora.  Ivan has his shirt up on his wall.  We got hand prints with her birthday friends showing that she is 5!

I let Ivan signed her shirt too- cause we didn't want him feeling left out!  She is so proud of herself being all "grown up now".  Of course she also wants me to feed her, to carry her and to get special privileges at times.  I'm not sure how to make it work, but I've always thought the oldest needs someone older and the youngest needs someone younger!  But I guess our birth order is part of who we are too and she is a pretty fabulous 5 year old!


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