My vivid pregnancy moments with Emora will soon fade and drift into the realm of distant memories, but not quite yet. She is still small enough that I recognize her movements. As I hold her on my chest and feel her jerky twitches, pushes and twists, I recognize them from when she was in my womb. It's such a wonder- to actually now see what all those jabs, rolls and movements were within me.
It also strikes me, as she stretches out, how terribly squished we were. I know she has grown a little since birth, but not tons and when she is straight, her head can be crouched under my chin and her feet reach down to her birthing exit ramp. Calculating the fact that I still needed room for some little items like my heart, lungs, ribs, stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver... and such, not to mention breathing room, it's no wonder we were uncomfortable! I try to figure out how she could have been all curled up in there and move too- quite a wonder I tell you. Glad she's out!
I think she's glad to be out too. She is looking around more and more, smiling more and getting lots of play time with the kids- mostly Dominique since she is constantly trying to interact with her baby sister. I have to watch them because a couple of times I've seen Dominique try to pull her off a bed or pick her up to hold her. She told me the other day that she wanted to dance with her sister. She's just so eager for her to grow up. I'm not. It's nice to have a baby again and I think 2 toddlers is plenty of trouble and excitement for us right now, we'll let the little one be a baby for a while.
pics are from our swim day this last week
Interesting you have a swimming day in February. OUTSIDE!
In Germany we call that ice swimming.
Sweet, sweet pictures. It's suppose to warm to the 80's by the end of the week. Another possible swim day.
Looks like great fun & even though there are leaves on the trees the grass still looks quite brown.
We are getting snow today so I am jealous.
It is supposed to get up close to melting in Saskatoon today.
Actually GMS, there aren't leaves on the trees in a way. Those ones you see are the evergreens. The other trees are all naked, but I noticed some budding the other day. The grass is so dead and I hope will come up this spring. We should be watering it, it's been very dry.
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