Friday, February 13, 2009

in love

Yep, we're in love, in love with a not so little 10 pound bundle of squeaks, huffs, snorts and cuddles. Yesterday she actually stayed awake some, nearly all afternoon and evening. Nights are not so bad anymore. She eats around 10pm or 11pm then again at about 3am and 6am. So I'm only getting up 2 or 3 times a night, if I stay awake through the feeding. If I fall asleep it's bad because then I wake up twice for each feeding, about an hour apart, realizing that I need to put her back in her bed.

Our neighbor Big Buddy decided the name Emora is too hard and is calling her "little squirt". He actually finds every name too hard except Brian's. I am often "Brian's wife", Ivan is little buddy and Dominique is Monique. He gave Ivan a Christmas gift with a bold handwritten name of "Irving" on it.

We are having a fabulous day today since Brian is off. We got the house cleaned, several little tasks done, had naps and are heading out for a starbucks date and supper. We even got a movie to watch with the kids later. We've not done that yet and they are so excited. We got Mary Poppins from the library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice looking family.