Sunday, February 15, 2009

Be my valentine

The kids and I got Valentines from Brian along with thoughtful gifts.

A notebook for the prolific writer of the family.

A set of pliers for our preschooler journeyman in training.

Flowers for the little beauty blossoming before our very eyes.

Emora- "I'm cool- check out my loot, they love me"

Emora- "OK mom, what are you doing, are you a little nutszoid with the camera now?"

Emora- "Mom, really, enough's enough! Put the camera down. Are you going to terrorize me all my life with looks for me that just don't work, or only while I'm powerless to say or do anything about it?"


GMS said...

Dominique looks so proud of her own notebook; Ivan looks so thrilled, it's cute; tell Emora it will get better, but she looks gorgeous with her own flowers.

BTW, what did Mom get?

Anonymous said...

Emora, this is just the beginning. Ask Dominique and Ivan. Mom keeps the family up to date with your growth and changes.
Love you all

Ian said...

Dominique looks like your sister Jennifer wielding the mighty pen when she was that age.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

GMS- how did I know you were going to ask- I got some hair accessories and we all got a meal out the night before and a bbq with friends the day of.

GMS said...

Very nice personal gifts for you from your lovin' hubby.
Thanks for sharing!

And I really wasn't sure you would know that I would ask, just curious I guess since you didn't mention it.