Thursday, April 06, 2006

How much is too much?

So one day I thought I'd make some popcorn on the stove, like they did in the olden days, when I was a kid! I remember mom shaking and shaking that pan over the burner for what seemed forever. Did you try it on high heat, mom? It took about 2 minutes when we did it and what an exciting 2 minutes it was! Of course the hardest part was figuring out how many kernels to put in the pan. I thought I had tons of space, so I put as much as I usually do in the microwave popcorn container. I put too much- and I hate to waste any kernels. At first, they weren't popping up very high, just making my increasingly huge mound jump a bit. Then some started to really fly. Ivan thought it was awesome! He was laughing and running around on the floor, picking up the popcorn and eating them. Talk about fresh out of the pan!

The popcorn was oh so delicious and lasted several days. We'll have to do it again some time. Maybe with a little less kernels this time.

I also made muffins a couple of days ago. Question: Where do 2 dozen muffins disappear to in about 48 hours? I just can't keep baking around here. I don't bake often and this recipe was really good. Ivan's been eating them for lunch and snack and so have I. Brian's gotten a couple I think... poor guy, you have to eat them quick around here. We shared a few with Big Buddy and I think there are about 4 left! Well, 3 in a few minutes ;)

Here's a question for you... what item will you make a special trip to the grocery store to get because you ran out? See your response (and mine) in the comments.


Madame Angela Baggett said...

The other day Brian ran out of coffee and HAD to go get some. Another time, when his dad was here, they woke up to discover the cat had broken the coffee pot. Brian improvised something on the stove to make it through the next hour while they got ready to go to the store for a new coffee maker. They bought one with no glass or breakable parts!

I make special trips for milk if I run out.

Anonymous said...

Max's formula...

but for me and Steve we have to have tea bags!

Janet said...

Ian has been known to make a special trip for ham or bacon on Saturday morning. (Something I just don't keep in the house!)

I make special trips for 2 important staples in our house--milk and bananas.

I can understand about the coffee thing also, but with pregnancy and breastfeeding I broke the habit. But, in those coffee days, it was pretty much one of those things I would have NEVER run out of.

jenn with two n's said...

Great popcorn story. John recently made muffins and they are good! Look forward to eating and making popcorn with you!

Milk...I totally agree.

Kimberley said...

We often run low on milk, but mostly because I hate to go all the way to the grocery store just for milk. I would rather pop in to 7-11 for it. Besides 7-11 has the freshest milk in town.

Otherwise special trips to the gorcery store are usually because I'm in the middle of a complicated recipe and realised that I'm out of one very important ingredient and no substitute exists! Example: corn syrup.

Heimdahl said...

Bagels or cream cheese being Aidan's prefered meal option and everyday lunch staple. For me ... I can work around anything missing if I try I've always found.
If all else fails ... there's always a restaurant close by.


Anonymous said...

Chocolate...but onl when I fee crappy. All the other days...I don't care. I can work around it. Me = Student. *G* ;)

GMS said...

Glad your floor is clean for popcorn eating.
Looks like. Best warm!
Lately I like Creme Brulee in my coffee and had to make a special stop just today since it was also on sale this week.

Lady J said...

Definately chocolate! We love our choc! The only other thing I enjoy running out for, and do quite regularily I must confess is truely Canadian and not available at home....can you guess?! Tim Horton's English Toffee Cappuchino!!! YUMMY!