Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Kids have more than adults

I've noticed a phenomenon that I've wanted to blog about for some time now. It is another of those spiritual experiences, I've called heavenly shudders, only what is remarkable about this one is that I can see it happening in Ivan and Myka. Every once in a while, one of them will stop in the middle of playing or walking/crawling/babbling and become mesmerized with the other. For example, Ivan will stop and just gaze at Myka, then gently touch her hair or face like he is seeing that she is this amazing little being, like him, but different. Someone to be enthralled with, wowed by, known and loved. I've seen her do the same thing with Ivan. They both eagerly give hugs (and kisses) to the dog. They will both scamper over to me from time to time for cuddling or hugs (Ivan also gives me extremely sloppety kisses), but they seem to know that it's different with peers. They play with each other, take toys from each other, yesterday they had a lengthy conversation together, each taking turns while sitting over breakfast, but they rarely gaze at each other or look into each other's eyes as they do with me. It's only on those special stolen moments when I catch one of them awed by the other. Of course, the moment is broken when the other looks up or turns to look back. Then it goes back to regular playing and discovery times. I know I've seen Ivan have these moments other times. You can tell that children have these heavenly moments by the way they smile more, laugh constantly, ooooh and ahhhhhhh at the most simple and beautiful things. They really appreciate, really notice, really live in the moment. But there is something priceless, even holy, in the way they will stop and ponder each other. It's like they are seeing the divine in each other, the supernatural, the otherwordly, the totally enthralling beauty of innocent humanity- the Divine. It's beautiful.

I, on the other hand, catch these moments few and far between, but I've had more since watching Myka in the mornings, partly due to the early hour. Here is this morning's sun rise. It was breathtaking and definitely a moment to pause and be transported by the moment. I've seen lots of sunsets in my years and love to gaze at the stars, but I'm afraid I love sleep more than catching a sunrise on purpose. Therefore, I haven't seen many apart from those early morning drives to school in Canada when the sun is making her late rise. There is something even more beautiful about sunrises than sunsets. The day is still untouched, unmarred, perfect and full of promise, then comes this amazing sky of color, rejoicing in another day, declaring that life is beautiful no matter what our circumstances. I'm so glad God made the sky. No matter where you go, no matter how poor or dirty or gloomy a place can be, the sky is there in all its majesty. I've tried painting skies. And I've seen a lot of pretty painted skies, but nothing compares to the real expanse, luminescent, constantly changing and displaying new, intricate, formidable tapestries of beauty.


Jenni said...

That was such a beautiful way to convey the connection that they have. You have such a way with words and I love the pictures. We could not have asked for a better playmate for Myka than Ivan and we are truly blessed that we have had this time.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you talk about the little things of live. It's amazing what children show us. And they don't have a clue that they do it.
But sometimes I do that too, gazing at things and so on. Andrew says I am sometimes too childish. But I think I just enjoy the little things in live. (And maybe I am a bit more active, like going out to places.)