Wednesday, November 09, 2011

walk up flag hill

Big thanks to Janet for giving me these pictures. I had similar pictures that I accidentally erased! It was such an amazing morning, still warm and the light had an soft orange glow to it.

It hadn't snowed yet.

Now everything is blanketed in white and the kids are enjoying smashing ice, throwing snow balls and experiencing the different textures and designs that snow brings.

I enjoy that some too, especially when it sparkles like so many diamonds on my front lawn. I'm not crazy for diamonds, but the glitter of snow is quite mesmerizing and I'm not sure how else to describe it.
These orange hills were breathtaking too- especially with the sky so blue and dotted with perfect white puffs of clouds. I love all the colors of fall and will return to this time and place in my mind when the whites and greys of a long winter seem a bit overdrawn.

Smiles to you and hope you enjoy the day, each one is a gift no matter how we wake up in the morning!

1 comment:

Ian said...

Hey, I am the first to comment on your latest blog...could it be that I am doing so at 3:54 pm my time and 4:24 am your time? Thanks for the update/