Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some hate the snow, Ivan hates the sun

These pictures are from the family visit last weekend when my parents, sister- her family, brother and wife came to see us, celebrate birthdays and see where we now live.

Our first snow started the other day and quickly progressed into a fairly major storm. It is not that cold relative to what Saskatchewan can dish out, but the wind has been brutal and we are not used to dressing appropriately, so it felt really, really cold. Things became icy quite fast and I postponed my trip into the city again due to the weather.

That was good since I found out that the highway is iced over and was actually closed down, the conditions were so bad.

My cousins were telling me not to even try to drive out, that some people had to stop and get a hotel instead of continuing on the road and my cousin actually got her van stuck on a road while trying to get to her dentist appointment, that she later found out was canceled.

I've been mostly at the house, thankful for a warm place and feeling like I could comfortably hibernate all winter, but I did end up leaving the house when I started to make muffins and realized I had no eggs. The first thing that hit me- after the icy wind, was how beautiful it is here. The hills are now blanketed in white with ribbons of trees, the sky was vast and the sun peaked over the horizon.

I've been laughing at all the facebook comments over this storm. Half the people are hating the snow and the other half love it. After Dominique and I walked from the van to Ivan's school through the biting wind- me wondering at what we'd gotten into, we pick up a disgruntled Ivan. He declares "I just hate this sun!"

"Why do you hate the sun?" I ask a little stunned by his statement.

"Because it will melt the snow and I want to build a snowman."

I try to reassure him that there will be plenty of snow again, even after this batch melts this coming week, as they are predicting.

We had hoped for a warm end of the week, so that I could get into the city. The worst, apart from my huge shopping list getting incredibly long, is that they've run out of pumpkins in town and I always buy several and cook them up to use for the rest of the year. At least that's in my realm.

In Brian's realm, he is hoping it warms so that it is not so miserable to cut the holes for our new windows this weekend and so that he can drive out next week to drop his truck off in Texas.

So do you love or hate snow and icy weather?


Olivia said...

Ivan...I love you little man! You are SO smart and true...snow is much better and funner (yes, its a word!) than sun!

The photo of you all lined up on the curb is SOOOOOO creactive. I love it. It just validates your move to me over and over when I see you there with all of your family. Nothing comes close to having your family living life with you side by side.

Ian said...

There are no mosquitoes in the winter. Lockjaw doesn't survive in our soil because of the cold winters. Horseflies, no-see-ems, moths, and wasps plus all kinds of plant diseases are put on hold because of the cold. Plus a person can skate, ski, toboggan, snowshoe, have outdoor picnics, build quinsies, snow forts, igloos ...You also get to help others by pushing their car out of the ditch. Winter is great and I agree with Ivan!

Deana said...

I think ice is beautiful...but maybe because we don't get it much! We get a lot more snow...but being in Colorado, it melts quickly, so I think it's beautiful too!

armacleod said...

The one thing I've noted on your pictures that is interesting is that it was quite cold that day and yet in the big line up picture someone has bare feet in sandals! Now that is a crazy Canuck!