Tonight, I changed Ivan's sheets to Thomas the train and he looked at the train and told me it was going "adagio" ??? I smiled and told him how wonderful that was- knowing full well I had no clue what it meant. Right then and there, I should have humbly admitted my ignorance and asked him what adagio meant. Instead I went to what I THOUGHT was my best music theory source- Ivan's daddy.
"what does "adagio" mean?"
"I thought that's what "allegro" was"
"d--ope (in homer simpson voice)- I always got those two mixed up. Hold on I'll look it up"
(types on computer)
"ok, it means slower"
You see that would make sense! Of course it would be going slower if it was stuck on his pillow and getting ready for bed. Smart little guy. Does this mean I have to actually watch those kid videos? What ever happened to shapes, numbers and colors- I already had those covered?
Ivan also told me the other day that a helicopter sounded like a violin. It did too! Just listen next time.
Well- at least Brian and I can do web searches, so we're still a step ahead of Ivan who doesn't have that much knowledge of the web. He's pretty good at deleting programs though- stupid trash can right on the screen. And us adults are potty trained- so I guess there are a few things left for us to teach our 2 year old!
What has surprised you or caught you off guard this week?
Uhmmmm, nothing that I can remember. *haha*
I am really impressed at how Ivan is picking up music. I think he'll be a concert musician very soon!
Surprised me?
How good I can feel one minute (like I am accomplishing something) and how bad the next (like I will never be all caught up).
But I actually think that is normal for most people.
I know I have never heard the word "adagio". I guess it is my speed right now, though.
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