Ivan decided to re-arrange his room one day and his dad got pics of the final result.
These videos are him helping us play Spanish bingo Mother's day.
-what are you doing up to?
-bedrooms are called livingrooms (example- I'm going to go to sleep now in my livingroom- not that he would ever say that sentence)
2 actual conversations we had this week
-Where's daddy, mommy?
-He's at work, hon
-my name's Ivan, mommy, it's not hon!
-Where is it?
-I want it!
-What do you want?
-I want something. Where is it? (tears and crying)
(I did use my super sleuth mommy powers to figure out he wanted cinnamon on his waffles like mine).
What's your favorite board/card game?
All time favourite board game would have to be Scrabble. I am a word freak and love to play the game. Harley really does not like when the board comes down. Especially, since I find I am a group player. I want to make sure everyone gets a good word and so I always try to help her out. She gets her english and french words mixed up also. But I love the game. I just played a game with a friend who is a lot like me and plays the same way. It was lots of fun.
I think it's Monopoly.....
Ha Ha - wow aren't they just the craziest little creatures!
So much fun and energy - yah fun!
My brain is overcrowded with "Trivia", which is useless for earning a living, or a university degree, but it makes me understand that "Trivial Pursuit" is the best board game ever invented.
I love those Ivan conversations.
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