The call went something like this: ANGELA!!!!!!!!!!! When I got there, Brian was turning seven shades of green, handing over a wet, squiggly, happy baby, with soapy hair. Ivan was dancing naked in the small, confined, smelly room, singing: "Dominique pooped in the bath!!!". The cataclysmic event occurred with both children in the bath. Luckily Ivan had already been rinsed off and was rapidly removed. Brian didn't say anything after the cry of terror for quite a while. He didn't look so hot as he executed the removal of aforementioned offending (very offending) output matter.
The moral of this story is to look at your home with new eyes. Those without kids may find this fixation on poop stories a little extreme. Just remember, children will change your home forever, your tub, your bathroom, your clothes, other's clothes, your carpet, your car, your sense of smell, your sense of decorum, your standards, your attitudes... your heart. I mean what are some possessions compared to memories, laughter and love for a lifetime?
our husbands have something in common! ha ha ha! Max dropped a poop in the tub earlier this week and Steve just gagged.
Oh my goodness - sometimes I think we are living in parallel universes. It was a bit of a different scenario but Wes and I had a lengthy arguement about how to handle poopy underwear last night. Men and poop - what is that! I just don't think they realize how prevelent poop really is in a house with small kids!
Very cute story!
Isn't there a bumper sticker about this somewhere, "poop happens"? Add a dog that did not like me to the mix and so would find different corners of the house to poop in and you would have my life a few years ago. We have a wonderful story of potty training, poop and Chapters. I think I'll stop there and not incriminate anyone online.
I must be the most male mommy. I hate poop!! And freak if I have to clean it. I actually don't, if it happens somewhere I find a way to throw everything away! I just can't handle it.
My story is the day Jac was born or maybe it was the next day. The nurse came in to ask about her bowel movements. I said she had one and had just disposed of it. She grabbed the disgusting diaper and opened it and began to almost shove it in my face to explain about the tarry texture of newborn poop! I proceeded to dry heave and then myself had to exit to the washroom and the whole room, the nurse included, just laughed at me. The nurse proceeded to show me the diaper again and again, commenting how she never saw a parent react this way. I can laugh now but after just having surgery and realizing that I couldn't even stomach my childs own movements, I was in near tears. Or maybe it was just the fact that I kept having the diaper shoved in my face. Either way, the smell alone makes me want to be sick. Hence, the reason everyone should be married before they try to tackle motherhood alone, someone to pawn off the yucky stuff on! (i have harley but she is about as bad as me)(i laugh at the whole blog though just cause this is such a mommy topic)
oh I have had so many poop situations its to funny. Even though I do get suprised once in awhile.
Loved the story!
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