Some places stayed the same. We ended up with great wedding photos in the midst of a December winter in 1998 due in thanks to the Mendel Art Museum's arboratorium (is that what it's called?) We wanted pictures with pretty flowers and greenery, not an easy feat in a Saskatchewan December, but the museum was happy to let us take pictures there. It was all done up in poinsettas and guess what??? It was this year too.
We also got to go on a date thanks to mom, dad and the aunts and uncles who babysat. We had a fabulous tasting, ridiculous costing meal at the Station place. It was a great experience, full of history, warmth and high quality. I guess you get what you pay for and it was nice to be treated as royalty and treat ourselves too. We also got to visit the hotel we stayed in some 8 years ago. It was great to have alone time together, a rarity for us that we must find time to do again.
I appreciate so much my family and my husband. It has been a great 8 years- so fast, 8 already??? I can't believe that here we are with these two wonderful kids and going on a decade of being together, but I would have it no other way. You are and will always be the Lover's gift to me of a lifelong companion and I am ever so thankful.
And while Saskatoon may try to camouflage or evolve, my memories can not possibly be erased, they are in the skyline, in the earth, in so many trees and walls and voices that continue to ring out over time... weaving through neighborhoods as we walked home from church, or to the recreation center, or to the hi-lo mart... nights out on the farm, encercling a bombfire, walking the trails at beaver creek... kissing my love and saying "I do". Saskatoon will always have a special place in my mind and heart.
I know that getting around S'toon seems tricky sometimes when the roads have been changed and all this development has occured. I have only been back 2 times, once for Jenn's wedding, and then for the memorial service for Lavine. If I tried to go to some of my old haunts, I suspect I would get lost.
That said I took the family to my old street in Victoria and I didn't get lost (the huge field at the end of the crescent no longer exists though).
We appreciate you Angela! You're the best!
I go back about twide a year and each time there are more changes. I never know what lane I need for my exit or what else has changed.
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