Monday, October 07, 2013


This was the grand finale of our grand day off Friday!  Yeah for long weekends ;)  Sheena got an idea that we should have regular gatherings and let the kids try to learn from the older ones.  She has a fiddle that fits Dominique, so they were trying to show her the ropes (or strings ;)

Rowan is a wonderful violinist who teaches Arwen violin.

So fun and made me remember fun times with my best friend Tighe in Texas who used to pull out her violin and show the kids and jam and dance with us all enjoying music together.

The littlest violin was still too small for Emora, but Rowan sang a rhythm song to let her play along with.

Dominique's summary went something like this:  "This was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!"  She has one of those every once in a while.

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