Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trip tales part 3

We had a fun and loud night with the Baiers (Tighe, Greg, Isaiah, Lily and Elijah) our first night in Abilene after supper. It was like old times, with music, instruments and laughter. So much fun.

We also got to see some old friends. I found out that my former little sister with Big Brother's Big Sister's Shayshay as we knew her lives in Abilene again. She is now all grown up, 20 years old!! We were matched when she was 7! Time flies I tell you. She has 2 gorgeous kids. Her daughter was taking a nap, so I only got to peep in at her. I was glad to be able to see her. A part of my heart will always reside wherever she is.

Another dear person to our lives and our family was and always will be Big Buddy. We loved his hat the day we visited. We got to see some of his drawings and he gave several to the kids. He doesn't have much space or privacy, so that's hard on him, but his memory is great and he seemed in pretty good health for a man in his mid 90s!

1 comment:

GMS said...

I love the "family member" tags you had to wear to visit Big Buddy. He looks great & has put on weight.
We enjoy all your sharing.