Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trip tales part 12

The final chapter of our trip. OK, so I may have slightly ulterior motives in this. If you are from Abilene and thinking of making the long drive up, this is some of what you get to see (ok, not Brian in the van).

It's long, yes, but it's also flat, straight and dotted with breathtaking beauty. I love, love the light as you get North. I never knew what it was that made me relax (unconciously) the further North we came every time we drove, until one time, at a pit stop, Brian said that the light was weird. Then it hit me- the light felt "right" for that season and time of day, it was a different angle from the sun and it was what I was used to. Culture shock is not just a result of language and customs being different, but so often it's all the little things that add up.

I grew up where there are seasons, extreme seasons. It's part of the joys and the journey to anticipate and glory in each season. Abilene didn't really have seasons and it was one of the first big things I really missed having lived in Canada.

Smells, light, air, tastes, sounds vary depending on so many factors that we can not even calculate, but when you travel you realize- this is different, how exotic and exciting that life could have such a different feel to it in this place.

I like flying for the speed of it, but Brian has always preferred to drive. With a family of five and none of the kids being small enough for a free ticket, I think driving will definitely be our mode of locomotion back and forth. But it's not all bad. Brian likes to drive and I like to read and sleep (in between helping kids with stuff). The kids thought they were in hog heaven watching a billion movies all day long- blah.

Sometimes I made them shut it off and look out the windows. Look at the beauty I'd say! Tell me something gorgeous you see. They'd appease me a few moments, maybe pull out something from their backpack and quickly return to their long drive singsong "Can we watch another movie now!"

I was thinking how times have changed. We used to see animal farms as we drove the countryside and now the kids see wind farms. I found them mesmerizingly beautiful- like art in the sky, but my kids will not find them unique, just a part of life, like dvds and wiis and smart computers in class. I just hope they will remember to look up and breathe deep, find open spaces and drink in the gorgeous of nature, the treasure of friends, the deep benefits of family, the joys of travel and new experiences and memories created on a 2 day drive through open country.

1 comment:

Janet said...
