We had a most wonderful day at the pool. We as in Ivan, Dominique, me and a friend. I haven't hung out with Paula all summer and so it was a treat to see her, plus we went to the State Park, through beautiful Buffalo Gap, where there is a big outdoor pool and a great kiddie pool. When I told Ivan there was a kiddie pool, he asked if he could bring Smaky- our cat. I didn't get it. He explained "you know for the kitty pool".
Today is a big day since we are going to a skating party tonight and I have swim class. I should be folding laundry since it is laundry day too, but Ivan is on the bed where the laundry is. Oh WHY did he just HAVE to sleep there? (ha, ha). Actually I tried to go in and fold anyways, when I realized he wasn't totally asleep, but just pretending to sleep, so that forced me to come on the computer and post.
Dominique has been playing on her trike since she got it at Christmas, but mostly scooting it forward with her feet. For a while she couldn't reach the pedals properly. Then recently she was figuring out how to push the pedals around and around. She mastered the skill in the last week or so and has been gleefully chasing the boys with her bike.
Were there a lot of people at the State Park pool? Is Thursday morning a good time to go? I'm thinking about taking my son.
I remember being at that pool; you took me once too!
And, yes, Ivan, I saw you in the video too.
For the record, I'd much rather live through our Canadian winters than your Texas summers!
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