Nearly every day, she makes a unique fashion statement. Sometimes she will let me do her hair, or she'll wear a hat, but her preferred fashion quirk is necklaces and bracelets (and not just one). She wears about 5 necklaces and one of two bracelets every day. Today she had the bracelet pushed up on her bicep.
Ivan has had me laughing lately. He is going through a tough phase right now. The doctor says it is pretty common, but he has discovered he can hold in number 2 many days, then fights it when it comes. It has caused pain, emotional and physical for all involved- like when I was trying to convince him at 2am not to be afraid of his poop. I cajoled for an hour, threatened the doctor sticking his arm up his rear, but Ivan finally went when his dad was awoken at 3am to take hold of the situation. Brian said about 10 magic words: "I'm going to spank you if you don't poo" and less than 10 minutes later Ivan had gone and admitted that he felt much better.
So while at the doctor, I told him what's going on and he recommended more fruits and vegetables and if that doesn't help a prescription for fiber. Ivan promised to eat prunes if I bought them, so I did. He took one bite and threw it on the floor- refusing anymore. He will eat raisins and he will eat those prunes once I bake them into muffins! Tonight he ate a salad and a bunch of veggies I forced into him, as well as raisins, grapes and cherries.
Ivan has started a new ritual when he stops in front of an automatic door (which don't open for him since he is too short). He says "open please, it's Ivan". At which point Dominique and I usually catch up to him and the door opens. It's so cute.
Ivan found a new pet. Apparently there is a baby lizard in my house. After I took the picture, I went to find something to catch it with (what do you use to catch a lizard?) and Ivan scared it under the freezer. So I'm hoping the little critter is either content behind the freezer eating bugs, or eaten by the cat or dog, or found his way back outside. I like little geckos on the sliding glass door, on the outside- where we can marvel at it and admire it's fine qualities, but I prefer them outside and don't dare think that it could venture out of the back laundry room.
Instead of prunes why don't you try dried apricots? Or peaches or pears or dates) When he was little John used to call dried apricots "candy"....of course we didn't correct him either....he still likes them.Another thing is to get oat bran and use it in almost everything....waffles, cookies , meatloaf or burgers...just use a little (1/4 cup in place of some of the flour or oatmeal) Hope this works!
Sue wallace
Instead of prunes why don't you try dried apricots? Or peaches or pears or dates) When he was little John used to call dried apricots "candy"....of course we didn't correct him either....he still likes them.Another thing is to get oat bran and use it in almost everything....waffles, cookies , meatloaf or burgers...just use a little (1/4 cup in place of some of the flour or oatmeal) Hope this works!
Sue wallace
I enjoyed the "Happy Anniversary" greetings that Ivan and Dominique left on the answering service. I suppose that you did tell Ivan that we have been in the US!
I am glad we aren't the only family strugglig with #2 (and I don't mean the second child). Gavin has had an absolute mental block about #2. We have bribed, threatened, given him time, ... the list goes on. Just in the last week he has decided that he can poop on the potty. His Grandpa had a man-to-man chat with him and they decided no more diapers at night (just night-pants). What has always amazed me is that he can hold it sooooo long.
Once again your world is sounding so strangely familiar to mine! Good luck with poop.
Even Dominique's dolls appear to have a fine sense of fashion. She is quite a lady.
The suggestions listed for Ivan sound good; I also liked dried mangos.
I like the open door command; I'll have to try it.
Tell Ivan that at $200 000 for a ticket to outer space, I doubt that I will ever go!
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