Here is our friend Lela visiting from China. Her claim to fame is that she was a friend of Brian's who came all the way from Texas for our wedding. She was also at our Abilene reception. It was a most rare thing to make it to both events.
Here are a couple of videos of the kids swimming. They are just amazing! Ivan can swim with just arm floats now and Dominique does good on her own in her float suit. My goal is to take them once a week and sometimes we accomplish that!
We are about to have lots of visitors, so we are all excited. The kids thought the arrival of Nana and Pawpaw Terry was reason enough not to take a nap. They are buzzing around with excitement. So we will have pictures and stories to share I'm sure, but not too sure when I'll get around to it.
After their visit, another set of grandparents will arrive all the way from NY!
Cute true story...
Last night as we read about baby Jesus, Ivan wanted to know everyone's names, including all the shepherds. Then he said that the bed for the baby was no good and that he should come to our house. I told him he could come to live in our hearts and he said Jesus could come to Ivan's heart. Then he wanted to know if baby Jesus peed and pooed. When he found out he did, he wanted to know if Jesus got stickers and candy for peeing and pooing.
How could I answer that one?
I told him that maybe some day he could ask Mary.
WAAHHAA - I guess Ivan has toilet training on his mind eh?
That reminds me of a joke about how you pronounce "psychology."
The "p" is silent, as in "swimming"
lol about the story of Jesus!
I took my kids swimming once a week from the time noah was 18 months old. all the way up to last year (he was7) All my kids love swimming! that's a really good idea. Alot of moms put their kids into "swimming lessons" when really...wouldn't you just want to swim with them yourself!!???
I would see moms sitting on the side lines, while other people got to enjoy their, you had to PAY to sit on the side! I loved all the memories we've made in our swimming days! Ninette came with me as well. Now that I have 4, and school is very busy, we have purposed to go once a month. the first wed of every month.
Good job mom!
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