Monday, October 01, 2007

how did they do that?

Dominique's mystery accomplishment. Today she was wearing a diaper, a onesie and shorts. She played in the sandbox. When I went to change her diaper, I found about 1/2 cup of sand under her diaper, around her waist. ???? How did she do that? We love the sandbox and hate the sandbox.

Ivan's mystery accomplishments.

Need some loving? Come on over.

Yeehaw eh? Dominique's fashion ode to her dual citizenshipry.

In the blink of an eye, time will fly and she'll be as tall as her toddleresque shadow.

I'm glad to know that two somebodies in the house are totally excited about vacuuming. Ivan and his play vacuum and Dominique's improvised reversed ironing board. If only their toy cleaners actually cleaned. Why hasn't some wanting to be rich momma figured out how to make those yet?


Ian said...

They really are growing up fast. I'm looking forward to seeing them in person again.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that pic is amazing. You still have time for paint with two kids and a husband. I pray to God that I will have that too. *really nice*

The two little ones do great. I have to see them soon again. *sigh*

Nana said...

Is that Ivan's chocolate cake with watermelon?