Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who's the leader?

I was trying to take video of Dominique walking and it seems that all my videos have a different common theme pulling through. Sorry that there are so many, but I think it's a little hilarious to see the diversity, the finesse, the stealth at which he moves, so mirror like through all the clips.

Notice how Ivan carefully studies her every move- the adoring brother, or perhaps the slightly jealous?

See how he walks just like her?

Before you think this one deviates from the imitation theme, you should know that Dominique started this before I was able to start the recording. Enjoy their concert duet.

The grand finale

Are you a follower or a leader? How do you feel about it?


Davis Family said...

I have been calling Bronwyn and Gavin - Pete and Repeat lately as he copies everything she does. If she pulls herself up at the couch he runs over and shows that he can do it too. I think Ivan and Gavin are the same kid with different hair!!

armacleod said...

Ok, that has got to be the cutest thing I have seen all month! Wow! It it amazing how they get joy out of such simple things such as copying each other. I'm also amazed at how much Mimi has grown already.

Anonymous said...

Leader, clearly. Unfortunately too (sometimes).