They are getting longer and growing up every day. OK, so I guess that's to be expected, but somehow it still amazes me. I distinctly remember bringing Ivan home and thinking he'd never be as big as his diaper changing pad. I remember wondering why they made it so big, thinking all I needed was half of it. Now just look at him- all arms and legs hanging all over. And while we don't still use the changing pad for him, he does still get diaper changes.
Dominique's hair hangs down to her shoulder blades. It is full of pretty loose curls except for the top ball of hair, where it has decided to take her Jamaican side. That picture where some is hanging down and some is totally wild? That is her COMBED hair. Some of it just has a totally wild streak. I'm not sure how on the same head you can have slick straight hair and another section of textured/nappy/kinky/fuzzy hair. One pigtail got most of the fuzz and you can tell the difference in the two pics. It's one of those funny and beautiful quwerks of so many cultures mixed to form this precious child.
I kept our little friend Jaci again today and was so happy that all our talks about sharing helped some. Ivan was pretty much well behaved. There was only one instance where I had to send both of them to time out for a screaming, intense tug-of-war over his bike.
What's hardest for you to share? time, money, gifts, love, affection...
I'm not very good at giving gifts. I don't like shopping or spending money or trying to figure out what is in style...
I have trouble giving the gift of a compliment.
Lots of times I will think something nice about someone and then be too timid to say it. I'm not sure what's up with that.
I do like to think up little gifts to give my Bible class students to reinforce the lesson or buy things the residents at the nursing home otherwise wouldn't get, like even bananas.
Food, I am terrible with that. I just like food, and sharing it...well, not my thing. But I work on it.
I don't think I have a problem with sharing gifts,food, money or lifting someone up with a warranted compliment. Time is the one issue that I think I have a hard time with. Not that I don't want to share my time but breaking the habit of having to be productive. Thank goodness you finally reach an age when it finally dawns on you the importance of sharing your time with the special people in your life. After all no one on their death bed ever says "Gee, I wish I had spent more time at the office"!
I have to comment on Mimi's hair - I totally understand. the underside of mine is realy curly, the top, not so much. They sometimes tease me at work because I'm like a walking barometer - if there is any humidity in the air, my carefully straightened hair will start to frizz - and fast!
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