I don't want to get into a debate about the advantages of Canadian culture over American, but American thanksgiving is way too close to xmas! I guess it did help this year since we are not going to Houston again, we just did xmas early. It's so sureal to me still to put out lights and decorations in t-shirts and sunshine, but I'll get my winter fix in deeper than deepfreeze cold Saskatchewan. I can hardly believe I'll be there in 10 days!!!! (insert cartwheels here)
One of my favorite memories from thanksgiving/xmas at Nana's and Pawpaw Terry's was Ivan and Nana each with a teddy bear, chasing each other while crawling and yelling out "snuggle bear, snuggle bear" throughout the house. I'm not sure what Nana was drinking, unless it was big gulps from the fountain of youth. The kids apparently smuggled the energizing, goofisizing spirit in and infected the grands. I love how kids bring out the zest and personality in people while lowering their inhibitions. This world would be way more fun if we all lived more on the high of youth.
I think my dad takes regular swigs and I like to think I've taken after him. One telltale sign would be that kids from the neighborhood often come over asking if I can come out to play ;) I usually can, especially if there is snow. Cancel school and work, let's make a snowman! Saskatchewan here we come. Dad and I were just discussing layout and construction for a quinsy (sp??) that's an igloo like structure for all you Americans who read this blog. Yes, we do live in igloos in Canada and since Mom and dad have a lot of extra company coming in, we'll have to make a whole new one to accomodate everyone.
It's been fun reliving the Thanksgiving weekend. I still have "snuggle bear" and he's ready for Christmas!
Kids are great, they make everything looking so easy, especially at that age. Well, I sure hope Ivan will keep that spirit. Looking forward to meet him and little Dominique. *yeah*
your funny.....
i complain about the cold sometimes, but i can't imagine xmas without snow! we built this huge mountain of snow in our backyard (since we're not close to any park) so the kids have thier very own hill.....
today is mild enough for them to play outside, finally.....it's been like -36 or so with the windchill the last week.
you have very cutie kids.
It is pretty neat that our kids are such a similar age. You might be surprised by how normal our life is even with Bronwyn's issues. Its too bad we aren't brushing shoulders more often we could have a great chuckle over our kids.
God Bless you guys and safe travels to Sask.
Berta & family
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