Thursday, September 08, 2005

Tranquil trauma

Yesterday we had one of those eerie moments. Our son had a small bump removed from his mouth. We had prayed about and over the bump, wishing it gone and had total peace that it would not be a big deal. People prayed all over the globe, from England, to Canada, from Houston to Abilene and we could tell that a Holy Presence went with us. It really was amazing. We got Ivan dressed in his gown and they took his blood pressure and temperature. Different personnel talked with us, then a nurse took Ivan from my arms and left. We sat there bewildered as he looked from us to her and happily went down the hall in a stranger's care. He didn't cry, scream or try to escape. In fact, he seemed quite fascinated with all the bustle so early in the morning.
We sat in a recovery room reading magazines like we were in a coffee shop, totally at ease with some MD cutting in our baby's mouth. The doctor came back after I'd read 2 pages and said everything went well and that he didn't even have to give Ivan a single stitch. Shortly after, they brought Ivan to us. We were prepared for fussing, crying, even anger, as many kids react to sedation, but instead, Ivan had total peace. He was happy, cuddly, drinking, smiling, nursing and ready to explore a new location! We got home and despite a bleeding wound, he ate all sorts of food (like usual) and spent the day crawling and climbing, playing and cooing. The fact is that he was far better at the hospital than he is at home, he woke out of the anesthesia better than he gets up from a nap and he acts like nothing ever happened! While others felt sick, hurt, bewildered, troubled... we felt sheltered and blanketed by goodness from on high. It was weird, unexpected, fabulous... heavenly.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Your blog is so great! I can't wait to read more about Ivan and his fun adventures. Love ya, Jenni