Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Happy Birthday Auntie Jenn!

Today was a big day. Jenn's birthday, so we web cammed, cinco de mayo, didn't really do anything special for that, packed some boxes, went on a walk with a friend, hung out in the yard with other friends and sold our house. Yep, a few signatures and it's no longer ours! Amazing really. Everything is going so well and smoothly, we give thanks to the Lover for guiding our steps and taking us on this amazing adventure. Brian hasn't had work for a while which is great when it comes to needing to pack. You can well imagine that it is a little horrendous trying to organize with 3 little ones underfoot. Even with another adult there to help it's pretty horrendous. But he may have some work in the coming weeks, so we are trying to get as much done now as possible. Of course between the boxes and mayhem we managed to pack all of our serving spoons, even the ones I had kept out to use for the next month. Not even sure what boxes they went into... so now we are REALLY roughing it! ha, ha

It's already hot here. The chocolate chips in the cookies on the counter have melted and that's with the air conditioning on! In fact we had a neighbor come by asking for a screwdriver at bed time because her air conditioner broke and they were trying desperately to fix it. As I web cammed with Jenn, Imogen mentioned snow and I said, "you don't have snow do you?". She tried to hide it from me, I could tell her face grew conflicted as she let out the truth "yeah, there's snow, it's so ridiculous!" I didn't tell the kids to unpack the boxes, but it did cross my mind and I vocalized it (mostly in joking) no less than 5 times I'm sure. What ARE we doing?! My dear neighbor showed me the temps in SK as a warning as we laid out in the sun yesterday, but she didn't know that I am still, after a decade, mostly fareinheit illiterate, so I didn't really clue in that it was FREEZING up there! Ah well, such is life.

The above pics were from Micah's birthday party some time back.


Andrea said...

Andrew told me that they had snow. I had to laugh. We have rain over here right now and everyone hates it. I wonder what they will do when it would start snowing. *hmmm*

I will be quite fun to live in Canada with that kind of weather. I should buy more jeans and sweaters before leaving...

GMS said...

It will definitely be an adjustment, especially for the kids. I know you grew up with it but you have been in the Texas warmth for quite some time.
I am glad all is falling into place for your family.

Ian said...

It actually snowed again today while Uncle George and Aunt Joan were here but it all melted before I got home from work. It is supposed to be + 9 on Saturday.