Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friends and more friends.

We've had a couple of new neighborhood kids camping out at our house often after school. Our kids love them and they are really sweet boys. It's kinda weird to have someone new show up in our lives as we are leaving, but maybe that is just a sign that we will have new friends appearing no matter our place and time in life.

This was our last visit to Mary. We stopped at our favorite burger joint on the way home. The owner took our picture and said he was going to post it on his wall, so if you are ever in Anson, you could see my smiling face looking back at you, though I will be a whole country away.

This was at Valarie's. Dominique was "mowing" the lawn in high heals, a necklace, a dress and her favorite hair style which is a huge bow smack in the middle and top of her head.

1 comment:

GMS said...

I don't believe in ever saying "goodbye", only "see you later".