They are easier to detect after the fact. They are uncanny encounters, brushes with the supernatural, where the presence of the Lover accompanies us in a very real way, sheltering, directing, loving, moving, giving life to our everyday existence. You can't totally explain the experience, but you leave shaken to the very depths, knowing that you have been kissed by the Divine.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tentative move date
We set a tentative moving date. We have some AMAZING friends who want to spend their holiday time helping us drive a U-haul, all our junk, 3 small kids and 2 pets for several days up to Canada. Yeah, I told you they are amazing! We got out our calendars and figured up May 22nd to try and head out. So crazy!
All the womenfolk of our house have a cold, so that is not cool, but the weather is, so we have been snuggling up and trying to rest or watch movies. The kids got their first taste of the Muppets. Now Ivan is constantly wanted to hit us in the head (which was one of the slapstick jokes, but he keeps messing up the joke part and doesn't have a pie so he substitutes other household items). You don't realize how violent these "innocent" kid shows are until someone takes it to the extreme!
Speaking of... What happened to my girls. Our first, A BOY likes to be tidy and clean, but the girls, whew-- Dominique still prefers paint on her body as opposed to on paper. Although in this case it was sidewalk chalk that she and Ivan first mashed on the cement then made a paste by adding water. And here is Emora's rendition of a baby vampire. Doesn't she look like she could be in a horror flick? Apart from the fact that she is way too cute and precious, with eyes gleaming in joy. I had to dig a splinter out of her hand tonight. She was amazing, just lay there, didn't even cry. When I had to do this recently with Ivan and Dominique, they were so horrible, crying, writhing and I hadn't even touched them. Dad was there for assistance, but we ended up not needing help and as he left, Emora said her first sentence "bye da".
I picked up your blog from Edmonton. Emora obviously is learning some French. May 22 is the start but what day will be the arrival?
We are all so excited for you to come back to the land of milk and honey. (And peanut with the honey in the sandwiches.)
This is a big year for all of us I guess.
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