Sunday, January 10, 2010

have a good week!

A fun evening with friends... Tighe wanted to cut our decadent chocolate cake with her wedding knife, so of course, Olivia, Tighe and I had to pose. The kids loved making mayhem with the massive pile of legos. This was some of Greg's leggo supply from his childhood. Tighe also entertained the kids with music as the other adults played Settlers of Catan.

Emora likes to pretend she is talking on a phone. Sometimes she even uses a phone, otherwise she just puts any toy or object to her head. She said tête the other day while tapping her head, so there's her first French word. She sometimes says hello or bye, dadda or momma, but never when we are trying to get her to show others her skills. She also really likes our pets and is often seen giving them a hug or petting them.

Ivan picked cotton the other day (OK, technically Wynetta did). We were passing a field of cotton. It was so beautiful, so we had to get out for pics. Wynetta was telling us all about how her grandmother used to card the wool, what tools were used, how there are seeds in the cotton to separate out... Some things I just have no clue about having grown up in the North. Ivan is finally mastering the art of going #2 every day. We now have a doughnut reward system that seems to be doing the trick!

Dominique loves to pull over her sister Emora in a huge bear hug, which Emora doesn't enjoy so much. I think Grandma Sue pegged it when she was saying how hard it is for the middle child. Dominique has been particularly whiny and talking like a baby, but not wanting to nap and wanting to do school with Ivan. So we are trying to give her extra hugs and attention.


Olivia said...

Yeah! That was SOME YUMMY CAKE!

Anonymous said...

Great pics.Good looking trio.Yep I remember picking seeds from cotton just for fun.Wouldn't like to do it on a large scale. mom