Thursday, September 17, 2009


Us and some of our friends. Ivan was saying all day that Caleb is still his best friend, which reminds me that we need to go play with Caleb sometime! We rarely see them anymore now that I'm not keeping them and Micah is such a little boy now, no longer a baby at all! I started taking care of him at 9 months, which is only a month older than Emora now! This was taken at Caleb's birthday. The boys were riding a pretend roller coaster and had a blast.

Playing piano with Isaiah at Tighe's.

Hanging out with Lily (Isaiah's sister, Tighe's daughter).

Going on a "walk" with Big Buddy- Mr. Griffin. We pretty much have to pry him out of his house, but sometimes the kid's pestering is for a good cause like this little lap around the block.


Kimberley said...

I have to say that Big Buddy is so lucky to have you for a neighbour. I would love a family like yours to live near my grandparents! Big Buddy is looking pretty healthy now (despite his legs of course).

Ian said...

I noticed that it looks like people in Abilene like to drive on the left side of the road according to that last picture!