Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How wonderful!

Yesterday we went to a special program at the library. When we were checking new books out, one of them didn't work right, so the librarian fixed it. Ivan exclaimed: "How wonderful!" The librarian laughed and laughed, saying that was the best thing she'd heard all year. It was really cute since it sounded so grown up coming from a four year old.

We have baby birds hatching in our flower hanging basket as we speak. There were 4 eggs. I went to show the neighborhood kids the eggs yesterday and one had hatched. The baby birds are so small and cute in an ugly sort of way. It is incredible to watch and neat to think of all the animals around the world having babies in spring.

This was the picture that was on my mother's day card from Brian. He took the picture on the sly without me knowing about it, so it was a great surprise, along with my gifts.

A week or so ago, it was Lily's birthday. Tighe had thought of getting 4 friends to bake a cake and write her name on it, but I figured that would just not do. I'm not all into decorating like some who take classes and use fondant, but I do like to play around in decorating for my kid's cakes, so I volunteered to make her's. It was so fun and not hard at all. It's so amazing to think that Lily is already a year old or that it's been a year with all the sickness that her brother Isaiah has fought and overcome. Someone at the party asked if I was Tighe's sister. We have that quite often. In many ways we are.

Here is one happy customer. I started her on rice cereal last week. It's messed with her system some, but I hope she can get back on a more regular ummmm- shall we say disposal system. I am excited though in that it definitely curbed her from wanting to eat non stop from her little growth spurt and she even slept 9 hours last night!!! It was incredible. Of course I didn't get 9 hours since my body is not adjusted to it yet, but if she can keep it up somewhat, my body will adjust and we'll get to move her into her own room, which would be awesome. With Ivan and Dominique, I sucked it up and would trudge down the hallway to feed them in the middle of the night, but I'm just not sure I can handle it again, or maybe I'm just not wanting to.


GMS said...

Lots of wonderful things & events for you to comment on.
How great! One of the most amazing is the supply & demand God built into the mother/child relationship.

Nana said...

Ange, you did a great job on Lily's cake. I looks like another "mommy talent". And now for the best, "SLEEP"!

Ian said...

Emora has such a wonderful smile.

Pamela said...

I just spent the last hour catching up on your blog...It's been a long time since I've read any blogs, or written o n my own for that matter! haha! I love seeing the pictures of your precious kids and reading about all your adventures with them. I also have to say that I LOVE the cake! Such a very cool idea! You are so creative! Love you!

Madame Angela Baggett said...

Pamela- I deem that a huge compliment coming from you because I've seen some of your amazing creations!