This baby doesn't seem to kick as much as the others did, but likes to tell me she's doing allright in the evening or nighttime. I go for another ultrasound in a couple of weeks, so that is something to look forward to. I feel so much less prepared in a way for this one since I had so much more ready with the others. I was doing projects, making their baby books, painting their clocks. There is no way I'll have any of that done before this one's birth, but at the same time, I have a newfound peace that none of that is really important. I'll get it all done someday and if she's 6 months old when it happens, she won't know the difference- unless you tell her! Thanks to having two babies already, we have all the baby stuff and even girl clothes. We are all expectant and eager to meet her. My schedule will be more freed up. Mom is coming for the birth. We have a ton of love, smiles, and sibling affection waiting for her grand arrival. I know it will be an adjustement and that it will be new to know this brand new person, but I keep thinking it will be easier than having the 4 kids with all the same ages (or nearly). We'll see, I may change my tune come Jan.
So what signs of fall can you detect where you live?