I hope I didn't speak too soon about getting over the sickness the other day. After I wrote it, Ivan started having high temps again and crying about his ears hurting. So I called the doc and they gave me some ear drops to use as needed. If he's not lots better by tomorrow, I'll at least call again if not take him in.
We aren't being very romantic today- but Happy Valentine's day to all of you anyways. Brian has a gigg tonight at artwalk- which the kids and I are not attending since they are sick. I cancelled water aerobics since they are sick too and who could find a babysitter on V day or want to when they are sick.
I was at least going to make super, if not something special like other years. We've been living off of Big Buddy's fried offerings- pork chops and fish. With the kids not eating much, his gifts stretch for many meals and we have leftovers in the fridge again- so we may just eat that. However, we do have chocolates from Germany (the best- thanks Andrea) and Valentine cookies from Nana, cards, stickers and cards this morning with little gifts, so it's fun.
It looks like we are taking more pictures of Dominique than Ivan and we are. Mostly because she will smile for the camera and Ivan will run away.
Are you doing anything special?
We just ordered a pizza online from Pizza Hut and are going to watch "The Game Plan". My niece in California was involved in the production by working for the director.
Got to see Alyssa and Tyler earlier in the day.
I plowed snow out the driveway with my new snow blower because we needed water put in the well because Ruth is hosting a baby shower on Friday for a new baby in the congregation.
We too ordered Pizza. John went out and got flowers and sugar-free chocolates, a cd and sent Imogen and me on a treasure hunt! What fun! I made cards--stamping Imogen's hand print took some work--took pics, and did some special cleaning. To see Imogen pics go to Facebook!
So funny, the highlight of my valentines day was also pizza! Pizza Hut is the only North American restaurant I've seen here in Guwahati other than Baskin Robins. We made valentines with and for the McMillan kids so that was fun. Oh and Ellen made sugar cookies...Yummy!
To Pamela:
I just had to "Google" Guwahati
because I had no idea where it was. Now I do.
Must be interesting, but what are you doing there?
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