Friday, July 06, 2007

Our July 4th

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was feeling under the weather the last couple of days, but am much better today. I probably have 30 e-mails, but I thought I'd post first and give you a taste of our July 4th. We went to a birthday party, got home for naps then headed out to our friends' out of town. They cooked up a feast as always and invited Brian to bring out his stick so he could play with some guys from Dallas. It was totally impromptu and lots of fun, except that I was feeling out of sorts. The best part was when everyone was singing along and yelling out the chorus' and Ivan got into the act. The guys were in between songs and Ivan started belting out some unintelligible chorus of his own creation. He got lots of cheers and hoorays- and not just from his parents.

I thought the kids would like the fireworks, but I was wrong. The entire time they were going off, Ivan stood by the back door saying he wanted to go inside and he was scared. We still ended up seeing plenty of fireworks as we drove home. They were being shot up in the sky from the big fireworks display at the park near the edge of town and from neighborhoods all over the city- which is totally illegal, but no one cares here. Ivan felt much safer in the car where we couldn't hear their booming.


Ian said...

You have survived July 1, July 4 and now you only have 07/07/07 to survive.
Sounds like you had fun even if you weren't feeling well.

Anonymous said...

Angela...Hi this is Tina. Hope yall remember me. It has been a long time. Will you please get Brian to email at so I can have his address again. We are planning the reunion and I need to get in touch with him. It isnt till October but that will be here before we know it. Thanks...The kids are beautiful...