"I hear your heart. It was very dark. We're going. Tunnel. Stay a long time. There's my feet. Had to turn around"
It was not all in that order necessarily and some of it he repeated. He said "tunnel" several times. When he said "we're going" I recalled how I used to tell him and reassure him that the Holy Spirit was with him in the womb and that when he needed to leave that he should have peace and just follow the Holy Spirit out and cooperate with what my body was doing. I also prayed all of that over him. So that may explain the "we".
Also, after he said "there's my feet", he told me he wanted the sheet on his feet, so I'm not sure if that was a memory or in the present- although in the present, his feet were under the cover and he couldn't see them nor was he touching them.
A friend suggested that I video tape his explanation, this is what I got:
It's hillarious too, because now he asks everyone if they remember being in his mommy's tummy. He asked Smacky and Saba, Brian and me- do you remember being in mommy's tummy? None of which flatters me. Brian said he was in Nana's tummy and that really through Ivan for a loop.
We were looking at a picture of him from his first entrance into the world. His back was turned to the camera and all covered in blood and goop. You couldn't tell from the picture that he was crying, but Ivan (today) explained to me that baby Ivan was crying. When I asked him why, he said that it was very noisy.
Here are some retro pics to compare with now- crazy how much has changed.
Ivan and Myka, from their early year- in 2005.
Not only have the kids changed, but both families "added on". Myka got a sister Alyx just after Dominique joined Ivan in our clan.
A year may not seem long, but it was to these three! Aug. 2006- Isaiah, Dominique and Trinity.
July 2007, Dominique, Isaiah and Trinity.
Ivan comes up with the most unique answers. Good job Ivan.
I just LOVE the comparison pictures of how the babies have grown and changed. I remember all the ones of Myka with Ivan.
I hate to admit it but I just can't tell what Ivan is saying on the video and would love to know.
I had never heard that about a young child remembering being inside and what it was like.
Interesting concept!!
(me) "OK, what do you remember?"
(Ivan) "I don't think so... can we make muffins?"
(as in... "I don't think I want to talk about that now and although I'm in bed and it's like 10 pm, I think I should try finagling my way into an all night baking party.") Pure 2 year old independent thinking.
I don't remember anything from being in the womb. My earliest memories are from the kindergarten. *g*
Too cute -- I can't believe how much they've changed.
Absolutely perfect!
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