Friday, March 12, 2010

Sold!- one down, one to go

Brian's house flip is officially and totally sold as of now. Yeah, that means that we can start making concrete moving plans. We also have some leads on people who may want to buy our house and we are hoping that will be able to happen before we move. It's pretty exciting!

I've got lots of pics that I should have been posting all week long. Don't know where I've been, but hasn't been here obviously. Can't believe I haven't posted since Monday! Are you suffering withdrawals?- ha,ha

The kids are growing up before our very eyes. I guess that's a given, but it still shocks me. Ivan can pretty much read some books on his own and we've been trying to write more, but he doesn't like it, so I have to trick him by having him do writing adventures- like we write "secret messages". A message is always fun to write if you put "secret" into the title. We also went on a "scavenger" walk where he wrote down things we saw. It was so sweet to see him lay out on the sidewalk to write.

He and Dominique are very nearly swimming. They have a couple more weeks of lessons and are so close to being able to go a couple feet without going under. Dominique is a little too daring. She likes to yell "look mom", push off from the wall and "swim" back. Only thing is, she is very nearly drowning- her swim consists of movements, not very horizontal and her little nose alone above the surface. It is extremely frightening and she has caused me, the lifeguard and her swim teacher to grow quite concerned over it. I rush to the edge and yell for her to get back on the wall. She smiles without a trace of concern and does it all over again. I'm not sure if she is feasting on the rush of facing her physical limitations and stepping just past them, or of watching me obviously tormented by her lack of sensibility. She has done it the last two classes when the teacher is not watching, of course I'm not in the water to scoop her up either. The little turkey!


armacleod said...

It is an important skill to know how to swim and I am sincerely glad she is not frightened of the water as some children might be, safety aside.

The other day I went to the pool with some friends and their children whom are almost entering the teenage years have yet to be able to do proper swim strokes. They know enough to survive and enjoy a pool, but in a lake or river or worse open water, I wouldn't expect them to be able to swim to save their lives yet.

It's so exciting to watch them grow up and I know Andrea is happy that you'll be so much closer to home.

Janet said...

congrats on the official sale. We also signed the official papers to remove conditions last night on the Central house - SOLD!! Glad you may be able to sell your other house. All is working out as it should!

Ian said...

Their quinsy doesn't look like it is big enough to get inside.

Ian said...

Congratulations on the house sale.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are moving.Hope your house will move quickly as well.
All I can say about Dominique been a little daredevil is what goes around comes around.Just keep hoping hers' won't last as long as yours. mom